Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Moving Forward in Honduras

Hurry up and wait.  It seems to be a motto around here.  Everyone is very eager to help but very often setbacks occur.  Finally, after much heart ache, we are beginning our Model Home Project.  On Monday, we broke ground and set the foundation and surveyed the area.  It is amazing the way people work around here.  One of my biggest questions on building a house was setting a foundation.  It was as simple and obvious as using scrap pieces of wood, tie wire, and tubes filled with water to use as levels over a far distance (not exact but literally no one can tell the difference.)  Hondurans especially also don’t need anyone’s help working on projects.  None of us could work nearly as well or as fast as the people helping us.  It was slightly embarrassing.  Sometimes they can use guidance and direction, but can’t we all?
We officially moved out of the Heart to Honduras campus and into the town.   The house we are in is less than ideal (not two stories and no electricity, absolutely unacceptable in American standards... HA.)  It is funny, the house we are living in is much nicer than many houses around us but most people I know wouldn’t ever choose to live here.  It has been interesting and challenging for Milena, Joe, and I to fix things up around the house, cook, and clean.  One of us said that it was fun playing house... but I disagreed, we are definitely not playing house. 
As promised, we went to Punta Sol and Tela last weekend.  Tela is a beach side tourist city that it is Caribbean in culture.  It was quite an entertaining trip.  We arrived at Tela and proceeded to Punta Sol, a nearby peninsula and jungle that is nationally protected.  A boat took us to the peninsula from Tela.  The ride out was quite enjoyable.  When we arrived at Punta Sol, we took a long hike through the jungle and got to see monkeys and other wildlife.  We went snorkling and after a few minutes of frustration, we saw tons of coral and fish.  Then, we spent a relaxing lunch on the beach eating tilapia (My dream for those who know me well.)  The ride back was not nearly as enjoyable as the ride out.  We came across some pretty large waves and a ride that seemed short ended up taking hours.  All of us got sick.  The trip was still really beautiful and we all had fun and have a ton of great memories.   

I am trying very trying hard to upload pictures, so hold on and they will be up eventually.

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